Roof Demossing, Victoria BC

We do roof demossing! Dont let moss ruin you roof!

Roof De-mossing before and after

Roof Demossing before and after

Roof demossing is the single best thing you can do to your roof in a damp climate.

Moss starts at a microscopic level. By the time you can see it from the ground, it is well-rooted on your roof and has been there for a while. You need your roof demossed. Moss generally starts on the ends of the roof shingles, moving to the edges. Eventually it will cover the entire shingle.

The moss roots will start to loosen the granuals and sometimes lift the roofing edges, thus reducing it’s expected useful life. Given the warm wet west-coast climate, you can expect to get moss on your roof eventually. Trees, shade and debris on your roof all aid in moss growth.

Our Roof De-mossing Process:

We gently manually remove the moss, clean the gutters and grounds and treat your roof with our demossing formula to stop the growth. We give you a warranty on the moss from coming back. The moss growth cycle will start again re-appearing at a later date. For this reason it is prudent to be proactive and have your roof periodically treated.


Roof De-mossing - Before

Roof Demossing – Before

Roof De-mossing - After

Roof Demossing – After


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